I can’t think of a good title, brain slip you see.

It’s been quite a while that I have been away from the blogging sphere.

Hellllooooo guys! These few months have been a hell-uva ride. Nothing is the same. Life does change after school but mine has changed way too drastically! I don’t stay where I used to. Equations aren’t the way they had been for years. I am not pursuing my Plan A for college and Plan B, though implemented.. is happiness none the less.

I am studying psychology honours. Course is challenging which btw is awesome with minors in English and HR. Even though college is all girls (KMN) , it’s not leading me to asphyxiation (as for now!)
College has been exciting, timings are exhausting and teachers make you work your ass off. As my college is located at the most prime location of Calcutta, we make the most of it. In every sense of it. 😀 And I have immense gratitude to destiny for playing its way so awesome-ly that we three; pk, vedu and me are in the same college though different courses but YAYYY! We’ve at least got a few classes together in the day and trust me, that in itself is a blessing.

It’s true. Life does change after college and you along with others, become so busy that it takes a while to comprehend what’s happening. Life just whizzes by and you are too stumbled to notice where everyone else is heading. But in reality you do, from a bird’s eye view take notice of it and the revelation strikes, that’s life isn’t it? Friends take their own way, different colleges different courses, we make new friends, stick to some old. No matter how much we try to keep in touch with about everyone from class, your schedule doesn’t allow you to, which eventually we all very gracefully let go off.

I have also realized in this while that it’s absolutely pointless to allow someone to make you feel bad about yourself just because you consider them as a friend or even at a time your best friend. No, no one has the right to walk all over you just because you care about them. That doesn’t give them the right to say mean things to you. I definitely don’t look like someone who might have a heart ( I have been hearing that a lot lately!) but man! I have got feelings. You cannot just come up to me and make me feel inadequate for things I don’t even have contributions in. And don’t mistake calling yourself a friend when all you’ve done is left when you’re supposed to stand there and be with me (at your personal discretion that too).. But nah, no more nonsense to be taken. Goodluck and goodbye!

After having an inexistent love life for ages, I have something to share. Even after a freshly filled vocab bank, I am still at loss of words to explain the tumble dee tumble dum inside my heart. Though things are slightly rocky at the moment, I know it will get better. I’ve also come to realize the power of positivity and positive thoughts. Not only do our actions echo, our thoughts do too. Have happy positive and vibrant thoughts, those vibes will definitely echo back from the universe. Like they say, take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place.


“….. Love is not who you were expecting, love is not who you can predict. Maybe love is in New York City, already asleep, and you are in California, Australia, wide awake. Maybe love is always in the wrong time zone, maybe love is not ready for you. Maybe you are not ready for love. Maybe love just isn’t the marrying type. Maybe the next time you see love is twenty years after the divorce, love is older now, but just as beautiful as you remembered. Maybe love is only there for a month. Maybe love is there for every firework, every birthday party, every hospital visit. Maybe love stays- maybe love can’t. Maybe love shouldn’t.

Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to, and love leaves exactly when love must. When love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.” If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her. Turn off the music, listen to the quiet, whisper, “Thank you. Thank you for stopping by.”

Beautiful isn’t it? Love in itself is awesome. Awesomeness, I’m always here. You’d find me working my ass off for my psychology papers or hanging out at park street or interning with the best senior in town (fingers crossed for this one) and be in the process of implementing my million dollar idea or chilling with macaroons in my mouth and besties at my side or even catching up on sitcoms. You’d find me right on time, that I know.

I’m on my way to accomplish all my dreams. Step by step. And I’m sure in these three years I will figure out the rest about my dreams as well. Walt Disney says – “All your dreams will come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” No wonder I love that man! 😀

P.s – Hopefully I’ll be regular this time and soon do a post on why ChuckBass is the man! 😀

+ PinkDragon +

About pinkdragon

This blog © is my stress buster. I won’t call it personal diary. Its much more than that. A realm of raw emotions. A part of me that I cherish and love a lot. Emotions play an upheaval in everyone’s life every now and then. I just take out time and share with you all my carnival of emotions. Try to, at least. If you want more of me, there’s always my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/WhisperingWhites View all posts by pinkdragon

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